NOMOSThe NOMOS is an extremely low SWaP, autonomous Wi-Fi denial of service (DoS) system. NOMOS can collect/survey and deny service to all commercially available Wi-Fi a/b/g/n/ac Access Points (APs) /client’s devices.

NOMOS surveys Wi-Fi packets and puts them into databases for packet analysis. The system displays them in the GUI and lists out types of equipment, channels, and RSSI levels. Once the environment has been surveyed, NOMOS can send de-authorization packets to each access point forcing any attached prohibited client devices to disconnect.

NOMOS can be operated by a local controller, configured to collect at predetermined time intervals, or controlled remotely for leave-behind applications.

NOMOS is compatible with amplifiers and directional antennas to extend the area of affect out to approximately 100-150 meters.

NOMOS Force Protection Tool Technical Datasheet
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